Hilitext - The super-powered text finder tool
Hilitext is a powerful OS-level text finder tool that works with all Windows programs to help you find what you are looking for easier and faster. Powered with an innovative text highlighting technology, Hilitext automatically scans your screen and highlights every instance of your keywords in all open desktop windows including web pages, e-mail messages and other documents to help you find information more quickly and easily. It continues to highlight all instances of your target terms automatically as you surf from web page to web page or e-mail to e-mail.
 (At request, all instances of keyword "software" are highlighted in Internet Explorer.)
Main Benefits
Using Hilitext to have all keywords highlighted all the time gives you several benefits:
- You find what you're looking for faster and save time
Until now, if you're looking for a word within your web page or an e-mail message or a document, you could resort to the antiquated "Find" option, but that only shows one instance at a time and eats minutes out of your life as you continually "Find Next" and weed through numerous hits that are off target. If you have every instance of the word highlighted at the same time you can easily scan the page and find what you're looking for faster, since you don't have to find them but the highlighted words instead call your immediate attention. It both saves time and reduces eyestrain.
- You scan read documents faster and more effectively
Scan reading is one of the most important skills today in order to survive the information overload. Scan reading a document with all keywords highlighted is extremely effective. You can immediately notice how many of your keywords are found, where they are located and how they are distributed in your document. This information then helps you decide quickly whether you skip the document or read it more closely. You get a better chance to focus on the most relevant documents (e.g. those having more highlighted keywords) and ignore those that are likely irrelevant (e.g. those having fewer highlighted keywords).
- You search better using search engines
If you're searching for something on the Internet, you could enter a few keywords that reflect your target interest to a search engine and have it return likely thousands of links to relevant web pages. The search engine only knows that a result page may contain your keywords (if the page is indeed up-to-date) but has no idea where exactly in the page your keywords are located. Click on a page link will bring the page into your web browser and you'll start scan the page to find what you're looking for. Sometime after scanning a page, you'll return to the result page of the search engine and select another link to continue your search; another time you may follow links from inside the page to hunt for what you've found interesting. As you surf from web page to web page hunting, having all of your keywords automatically highlighted on those pages will help you search faster, since you almost immediately know which page is relevant to your search and which is not. It saves you lots of time searching and allows you to focus on important things rather than tire yourself in the tedious task of weeding out rubbish results.
- You never miss any critical information
Search engines have limitation: they only work well if you enter just a few keywords at a time and the keywords are required to be "good". (The "good" is really subtle and may be different on each search engine.) More often what you're looking for is not easily expressed in a few keywords but a set of many relevant words and phrases, and you may have to try searching several times with a few keywords at a time. Of course each time, if you find a web page, the page besides those few keywords that you've used with the search engine, may contain other words and phrases from your broader keywords set. Hilitext can perfectly help you boost up your search by supporting unlimited keywords and multiple highlighting color schemes. You can express what you're looking for freely in as many keywords and phrases as you feel comfortable and start your normal a-few-keywords-at-a-time search with the search engines. As you scan the possible target pages, all your Hilitext's keywords will be highlighted (including the very keywords that you've used with the search engines) and you can easily spot them all. All relevant keywords that reflect your interest will call your immediate attention and you'll never miss any critical information even if they appear on your screen by chance.
Main Features
- OS-level availability
Hilitext works everywhere with all Windows applications including all web browsers, e-mail composers, word processors, instant messengers, spreadsheet applications, online forums, newsgroups and chat rooms.
- Continuous real-time highlighting as you surf
Hilitext stays in your system tray watching and highlighting all your target keywords automatically as you surf from web page to web page without the need of resubmitting them.
- Unlimited keywords and search terms support
You can express what you're looking for in as many keywords and search terms as you wish. The only limitation is your computer's hardware memory.
- Different matching conditions support
You can indicate different matching conditions for your keywords (e.g. exact case matching, whole word matching, search in phrase etc.)
- Simple syntax of expression of keywords and search terms
You can easily express yourself in a line of text, separate your keywords by a space; Hilitext will analyze your expression and does its job. No checkbox, no radio buttons; it's that easy.
- Re-use of keywords and search terms
You can set Hilitext keep your highlighting expressions in a separate file and re-use them later by a few clicks.
- Multiple color schemes support
You can set Hilitext highlight your different keywords by different colors. You can also color code your keywords (the more important a keyword is, the more prominent color it gets highlighted in) to help you search even better.
- Group support
You can group several keywords and phrases to a group and use the same highlighting color for the group easily.
- Direct clipboard highlighting support
By a simple hot key, you can highlight whatever in your current clipboard without even activating the software.
- Easy-to-use
Hilitext is extremely easy-to-use and requires no prerequisite skills. It comes with preset settings and supports automatic working mode, so you can get the software up and running in no time.
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